International Para Dressage Competition

Our annual event is once again upon us! From 19/04 to 21/04/2024, we would like to welcome you to our international competition.


For our event, we are always looking for volunteers? Interested, contact us without obligation.

We are already delighted to welcome the following countries to our competition

  • Competition

    Our annual event is back on the agenda! From 19/04 to 21/04/2024, we invite you to take part in our international competition.

    Lees verder
    Minneci Barbara
  • Support us

    If you are interested in having your company’s name included in our list of sponsors, we would like to invite you to contact us for the available formulas without any obligation.

    Lees verder
    Quadrille 467
  • Volunteers

    We are always looking for volunteers for our event. If you are interested, please feel free to contact us without any obligation.

    Lees verder
    Quadrille 20157
  • Trailer

  • 21/04/2024

    Start of the season for Manon Claeys

    Manon Claeys is smiling at the CPEDI in Waregem. Yet, shesays she’s a little disappointed with her performance, with71.722% in Friday’s GP and 67.378% the next day.

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  • 20/04/2024

    Prestigious visit this Saturday morning

    Prestigious visit this Saturday morning to CPEDI**/*** Waregem : His Excellency Masahiro Mikami, Ambassador of Japan, who came to encourage his compatriots engaged in the morning classes.

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    PHOTO 2024 04 20 15 25 30
    PHOTO 2024 04 20 15 25 30
  • 19/04/2024

    Singaporean delegation also present

    Among the 17 nations present at the CPEDI**/**** in Waregem, some competitors come from very distant countries. Among them, a Singaporean delegation who welcomed us with a smile after Hui’en Hilary Su’s performance despite the unwelcome weather conditions this Friday morning.

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    Team Singapour
  • 18/04/2024

    The CPDI/ of Waregem is ready to begin!

    As every year, the largest para-dressage competition in the world brings together a large number of quality participants from June 19 to 21 in the Westflandrian facilities.

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    WhatsApp Image 2024-04-19 at 08.41.27